safepricker's blog

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture has been my passion since high school. I saved up a week's allowance to buy a book on Oriental Medicine during my sophomore high school. I still have the book. I also love music and photography. This particular blog, however, hopes to explain how acupuncture can help people restore or maintain their health.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

What is moxibustion?

Moxibustion is the process of warming by burning an herb over an acupuncture point. Moxa, the herb, is dried Artemisia vulgaris or mugwort. They come mainly in two forms: wool or rolled. Many attach them to the handle of the needle and are lit there. Some are placed in a heat conducting metal container which is in turn applied to the skin. Newer ones come as small rolled stubs attached to adhesive insulators which are directly applied to the skin. An old way is by burning them as rolled “tobaccos” which are manually held close to the point. Moxibustion drives the cold out of the system. It is considered better than using ultraviolet radiation.

Though no untoward effects have been documented, there are patients who do not like the smoke of moxa. Smokeless moxa is available though. A more important concern is the risk of burns though in some instances this is a desired effect. Burning of the skin – moxacautery -- is the direct application of the burning end of a rolled piece of moxa against the acupuncture points of the skin. A practice in ancient China, this is still being practiced in some of its far-flung provinces today. For cosmetic and health reasons, this is discouraged.



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